Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gay marriage: An exchange with Pastor Evans

From: Vanderbilt Evans Sr
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 08:03
To: Parker, Adam
Subject: Gay Marriage Debate

Dear Mr. Adam Parker:

I am Vanderbilt Evans, Sr. and I am the Pastor of Resurrected Life Ministry In Jesus Christ, inc. located at 1906 Reynolds Ave. North Charleston, South Carolina 29405.
I seen your piece on “The Gay Marriage Debate”, and was very surprise to see the response of some of those that say there are “Man of God”.
To you and anyone else that are calling themselves “Man or Woman of God”, and are still evolving on the issue of “Homosexuality NOT Gay”; I would like to say as well as tell them, that they is no issue or debate on the subject because Jehovah God speaks expressly about the matter, Amen.
Sir, I point you and everyone else; even some of those that you had in your column of July 8, 2012 in section G, to exam the book of Romans chapter One; verses 26 Thur 32, and hear what the “Living God” has to Say about the “Subject Matter”, Amen.
Some so called Man and Woman of Yeshua (Jesus the Christ), wants to be politically right, and dismiss what the Sovereign LORD has to say, and then call themselves Servants of the Heavenly Father, I my man beg to differ; because the Living God words stands sure forever, if one wants to believe it or not!
Some people just do not want to live as the Creator has said for “Mankind to Live”, because their want to do just as they are doing, and then call it a “CIVIL RIGHT”.
Being free fr5om Slavery was a “CIVIL RIGHT” for my PEOPLE; because we did not asked to be SLAVE, whereas you chose to be “HOMOSEXUALS”!
You may have a right to lay with another man or woman, but no one has a right to enslave another.
People all over the are wanting to be FREE, and we as a Nation Fight to help them get free; and I believe that this is a good thing, but STOP, STOP CALLING HOMOSEXUALITY A CIVIL RIGHT, because it is not, Amen!
I fought for my country in Vietnam that the people over there may have that opportunity of being free, but if their decide to be a murder or robber, that is not what I fought to help them for, and it will be a civil right for them to kill and rob other people, Amen!
I see homosexuality in the same light.
Everyone has they own opinion, what about the opinion of the Living God when you and me stands before Him, Amen!
I say to them that calls themselves Men and Women of God, to read what YESHUA had said about the matter, and especially the one that are leading the people at the Unity Fellowship Church in North Charleston, South Carolina, because he DO NOT BELIEVE GOD WORD HIMSELF!!!


From: Parker, Adam
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Debate
To: "Vanderbilt Evans Sr" 

Date: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 9:26 AM

Pastor Evans,

Many thanks for your note. I think you hit the nail on the head: If homosexuality is a choice (as you say), then Christians can call it a sin, citing Scripture. But if it isn't a choice (and there is a growing consensus among researchers and scientists that it isn't; not to mention gay people themselves who consistently say they were born that way), then the whole question of what is a sin is thrown for a loop. If gay people did not choose to be gay (and, one can ask, why would anyone choose to be part of a persecuted minority?), then people of faith would be forced to reconsider some basic tenets -- which is a scary prospect!

As for the civil rights issue, it is a simple fact that certain federal rights, benefits and privileges that are available to heterosexual couples are not available to gay couples. So, setting the religious question aside for a moment, there are indeed civil rights involved. That said, most of the people I spoke to for the article leaned more in your direction, saying the biblical question trumps the civil rights question. Most also acknowledged that these are two distinct realms, and that the church certainly has every right to object to homosexuality. No one is forcing pastors to contradict their beliefs. Legally recognized marriage, after all, is granted by government, not religion.

I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for reading.


Adam Parker

From: Vanderbilt Evans Sr
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 02:28
To: Parker, Adam
Subject: Gay Marriage Debate

Brother Parker: I hope you do not mine my calling you brother, no disrespect. Greeting again in the name of Jesus Christ. I guess what the Lord Yeshua has to say about any issue that we are facing today; out weight any Civil Right that Mankind can being to the forth front. You see Man did not come up with the idea that thou shall not KILL, the Living God did, man did not come up with the idea that you shall not steal, the Living God did, Amen!
We can go on and on and on; with anything that you or me can think of, nevertheless, I do not believe that one should have more RIGHTS than another because they choose to live in a particular way from anyone else, and if you look around you; you would see that those who chosen that "LIVE STYLE", are setting up a foundation that will put them in a category all by themselves and the THREE HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS will be playing caught up, Amen!
Our Nation, Our Country is going down a path; that they will be no return, and we will not have to worry about Homosexuals, because their are people coming that wants to KILL all homosexuals and enslave or KILL all Americans as well!
When are we going to "WAKE UP" to the Reality that OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL IN BREAD BASKET, and we are just sitting here an watching it all unfold, Amen!
Our leadership is not helping, they talk a lot about all king of issue's but have no SOLUTION, but the Living God has, if we as a people would just LISTEN!
Americans are NOT FOOLS, but we can CLOSE OUR EYES, and at like we can see and d not understand what is happening to our NATION. I believe that it is high time, someone say that the country is on FIRE and NO ONE is paying attention!
You are a NEWS REPORTER, and the way that you have response to me tell me that you are a GOOD ONE, which is very, very hard to find these day.
Open your understanding and your heart and see what is happening to our COUNTRY. There is SECRET DEALS, going on everyday of our life, and you and me are not apart of it.
I am 66 years old, and I have never seen my country in the condition that it is in right now, not even during the 60's. Just they being some very times, when the African Americans had to deal with KKK, or worry about going to a movie, or get something to eat; or where to get a drink of water, but this is 2012; and I see our Nation in a very, very Bad state, Amen!
Somebody need to REPORT THE TRUTH, will it be you???
Yours Always
Pastor Evans
PS: Someone must STAND UP!!!


Here's a link to the article in question:  http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20120708/PC1204/120709436/1015/gay-marriage-and-the-black-church-recent-events-fuel-intensified-public-debate

1 comment:

victoid said...

The good pastor does not see that Romans 1 is the thoughts and maunderings of the apostle Paul.
No quotations from JC appear anywhere in this oft-referenced text, which modern day fundamentalists and anti-gay bigots wield as a cudgel to bash the hated gay hordes. Word of God indeed! Verses 26 & 27 are the only lines that can remotely be construed as pertaining to homosexuality.
I prefer theses verses, which can apply to all humanoids, especially self-righteous hypocrites.

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.