Sunday, July 06, 2008


A Democratic Government is supposed to be good for you. It exists because of you.

So when government which is supposed to be good for you is not good for you, who recognizes the problem? Is it possible the problem will go unnoticed, only to linger in the vapors of democracy before expiring like a distant star?

This is how you make problems vanish. You fail to notice them.

But what happens when someone notices? Possibly two things. Information tumbles out, and you go to retrieve it. As you go to retrieve it, pieces are being snatched away by suddenly greedy hands. You might fight for the whole bundle or be forced to satisfy yourself with a few scraps.

If you are energetic enough to look into the matter, you might flesh out your bits, or even discover something new. If you managed to keep it together, then, in the evening hours before darkness enrobes the world, you could sit in your comfortable chair and learn.

You learn what went wrong. You learn about deceit and theft and exploitation, you learn about lies and distortions, you learn about pain and death.

Because of the deceit and lies and death, you would know that the government is not being good. You would know that you are in harm’s way. You would know that nothing is perfect.

What to do? Should you hunker down and protect your assets? Should you join forces with others in the same boat? Should you voice your opinions? Should you vote the bums out?

And what are in your best interests, anyway? To pull into the carport and see a vista of green? To collect the mail without getting shot? To install a GPS system? To horde money? To give money away?

Or do you just want to have fun? It’s fun to shop. It’s fun ride a roller coaster. It’s fun to go on road trips. It’s fun to get dinner and a movie. It’s fun to look good. When you are looking good riding a roller coaster, hands in the air, your hair like flame from a jet, it’s hard to pay attention to other things.

But the less you pay attention, the more easily you are duped. If you are duped, then government cannot be good. If the government is not good, you should do something. What are you going to do?

And what about the one who brought this whole mess to your attention? He needs your help. If it weren’t for him, you’d be on a road trip right now.

Outside the window the muggy day congeals, and rain comes down, first in big drops that splash onto your ankles, then is a steadier rat-a-tat that slickens the asphalt.

Some are walking with umbrellas, others lift hoods over the heads. A few make a mad dash for cover.

No one is looking into the sky.

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